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Help John Ireland Walk For Autism


To those of you who know me, this story will not come as a huge surprise.

At the start of the recently concluded 13 day, seven game, Lakers road trip I said something that turned out to be pretty stupid. Dave Miller, the coach who works on our pre and post game shows, said:

Dave: "I'm worried about the Lakers on the last game of this trip, in Cleveland--they could lose."

Me: "Dave, are you crazy, it's Cleveland. They've won eight games all year and is the worst collection of players in the NBA. You sound like an idiot. I would quit my job and walk home from Cleveland if they lost that game."

Days later, the Cavs beat the Lakers, 104-99.

Now I don't really think anybody expected me to walk home from Cleveland (although some might be happy if I quit my job), but I shouldn't get off the hook with nothing either. So I've reached a "settlement" with Dave. I've agreed to walk in the Autism Speaks walk at the Rose Bowl on April 23rd, to try and raise money to fight Autism. Those of you who know my family know that this is a cause that means a lot. So with that in mind, I'm going to help Autism Speaks raise some money off of my big mouth.

I've set up a donor page for my walk. You can sponsor me, and when I finish, all of the money goes to Autism Speaks. To get things started, I donated $1000 in the name of Dave Miller.

Here's where you come in:

Click HERE to Donate

You can donate $5, or much more - whatever you feel comfortable with. I symbolically set up a goal of $2,344.00, which is the exact amount of miles from Cleveland to LA. I hope to raise much more, but that's the minimum. CBS 2's and KCAL 9's Jim Hill has donated $2,344 and we have raised over $11,000 and counting.

Can you help an obnoxious, know-it-all, loudmouth sports guy out?

Many thanks,


About Walk Now for Autism Speaks:

Walk Now for Autism Speaks is a fun-filled, family friendly event and is our single most powerful force to fund vital research that will lead us to the answers we need. Experience the power of thousands united by a single cause by joining Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disorder in the U.S. We need more volunteers to join our fight. Whether this is your first walk or the 10th, take the first step and register today. You will not only raise funds, but you will become a part of a fun and supportive family-focused community.

Every 15 minutes, another family receives the devastating news that their child has an autism spectrum disorder. Help us change that! Start fundraising today. Whether you strive to join our new "Grand Club" (walkers that raise $1,000 or more) or sell lemonade to boost your total or create your own unique event, you become a part of the solution! Don't wait another minute - start a corporate, school or family team today!

We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Contact info: or call 323-549-0500 x765

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