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Heat threat raises concerns for Sylmar residents during summer

Heat threat raises concerns for Sylmar residents during summer
Heat threat raises concerns for Sylmar residents during summer 02:22

Despite misty conditions over Sylmar on Wednesday, Mike Lubliner is already worried about the threat of severe weather, with last summer's high power bills still fresh in his memory. 

"Our bill every other month was pushing a thousand dollars," said Lubliner. "So that's significant and that's a pain." 

Lubliner and his wife experienced the consequences of extreme heat last summer when power outages forced them to seek refuge in a hotel room. 

"That's the only place you can find relief," he added.

According to the National Weather Service, California is expected to face hotter-than-average temperatures this summer. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provided a map outlining the outlook for June, July, and August, showing above-normal temperatures in orange and red hues across most of the Western U.S., including California.

"Overall, we've seen the increase of temperatures routinely year after year, and a lot of that is related to climate change," said Eric Boldt of the National Weather Service. "As the rest of the world is heating up, so are we." 

Despite improved conditions and added storage supply, the California Independent System Operator (CAL-ISO), responsible for managing the flow of electricity across the state, emphasizes that the grid remains vulnerable during widespread heat events, particularly in late summer. Strategic reserves have been mobilized as safeguards. 

NOAA predicts that no portions of the country can expect below-normal summer temperatures. As residents of Los Angeles County prepare for the upcoming heatwave, the concerns over rising temperatures and the strain on the power grid continue to grow.

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