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Grieving Anaheim Family Wants Answers In Murder Of 23-Year-Old Woman

ANAHEIM ( — A grieving family wants justice -- and answers --  in the murder of a 23-year-old loved one.

Family members told CBS2 reporter Jeff Nguyen that Nancy Corona was "their rock."

They do not understand why someone would want to shoot and kill the vivacious woman who had so much to live for.

Nancy Corona was gunned down outside her apartment complex in Anaheim in the 500 block of South Street. She was found dead near her parking space just before 7 a.m. Saturday.

"Muy triste, muy feo," said the victim's mother, Petra Roman, about her grief. (Translation: very sad, very ugly.)

Police say a neighbor called 911 after the person found Corona lying on the ground next to her car.

"It appears at this particular time she has at least 1 gunshot wound to her upper body," said Anaheim Police Sgt. Bob Dunn.

Corona's younger sister, Stephanie, arranged a memorial held Saturday evening.

"She was full of life. She had her whole future ahead of her," said Stephanie.

Corona had just graduated from a program to become a medical assistant. She went to school -- while working at a law firm -- to help support her mother and two younger siblings.

She was both big sister and parent to 10-year-old Tania for the past 7 years. "Because my dad left us when I was really small and she took care, she took care of all of us," said Tania.

Police don't have a motive for Corona's murder.

And not knowing why someone would want her dead, is only making her family's suffering so much harder.

"I still hope that she's going to return and she's going to walk through the door and say 'I'm here, I love you.' But she's not," said Stephanie.

Police have not named a suspect but are reportedly looking to question an ex-boyfriend.

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