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Florida OKs Advanced Nurses To Practice Without Physician Oversight

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (CBSLA) -- The Florida Legislature passed a bill on Wednesday that expands the role that advanced nurses play in the state's health care system.

HB 607, which was signed hours later by Gov. Ron DeSantis, allows advanced nurse practitioners with at least 3,000 hours of experience under the supervision of a physician to provide primary care independently of physicians, The News Service of Florida reported.

Nurse practitioners would have to complete minimum graduate level course work in differential diagnosis and pharmacology, Florida Politics reported.

The advanced nurse bill was a top priority for House Speaker Jose Oliva.

"Floridians' access to quality health care is our top priority," he said in a news release. "Freeing [advanced practice registered nurses] of the red tape that has historically stopped them from working to the full extent of their education and training will immediately improve access to quality care for all."

Physician groups, including the Florida Medical Association, have long fought proposals such as allowing APRNs to practice independently of doctors.

The final version of the advanced nurses bill did not include independent practice for physician assistants or certified registered nurse anesthetists, which Oliva had sought.

Another bill passed Wednesday and signed into law allows pharmacists to test and treat patients for the flu and strep throat and treat people with chronic medical conditions.

Both laws take effect July 1.

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