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Family Seeks Justice For Man Who Died 2 Years Ago While Being Arrested By Anaheim Police

ANAHEIM (CBSLA) — Amid the outrage over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, a local family again demanded answers and arrests for the death of their son during an Anaheim arrest more than two years ago.

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On March 2, 2018, officers with the Anaheim Police Department confronted 35-year-old Christopher Eisinger while responding to reports of a suspicious person in a residential neighborhood. According to police, Eisinger resisted arrest.

Eisinger's family says footage from body cameras disputes that characterization. The family also alleges that police failed to administer CPR when Eisinger started struggling to breathe.

"What was his crime that night? Walking in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong color skin," mom Katrina Eisinger said. "I want justice."

At the time, the District Attorney's Office ruled his death was not due to excessive force.

A spokesperson said the department considers reopening cases when new evidence is brought to light, but said that has not happened in this case.

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