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Spreading Her Message: Entrepreneur's Passion For Storytelling Leads To Unique Production Company


Although she began her working years with a career in social work, Monica Moses was gripped by the need to tell stories. Rather than wading through traditional channels and waiting for someone to say yes or no, Moses decided instead to open her own production company. Urban Noir Productions is a production company that gives a voice to performance artists in many different forms of media. Founded by Moses' own passion for storytelling, the company is reaching for new heights.



Monica Moses
(Photo courtesy of Monica Moses)



Finding stories in everything

While practicing in the field of social work, Moses noticed that she was drawn to people's stories. She states, "It was my interest in telling stories about the human condition. As a social worker, you find every possible situation, good or bad, a person can experience. I looked at these conditions, and in my mind, I would put them into categories — drama, horror, comedy, thriller, etc. I was inspired to write. Writing helped me with processing the 'difficult' and helped me to hold onto the inspiring moments. Writing allowed me to bring insight to conditions that helped my clients get through tough times and helped them find hope in any challenging time they might be facing. With that, and my knowledge of film-making, I was able to bring my stories inspired by real situations to life."


New definitions of success

In many fields, it is common to measure success by way of dollars and cents, but Moses has a broader view of the term. "All of my projects are successful. The success is in completing what I start, to keep the vision from the beginning to the end. If one person sees my work or 4 million see it, I've done what I've set out to do." She also advises up-and-comers to stop worrying about the details. "If you're passionate about your project, don't focus on what you don't have. Just do it, and what you need will show up." While building her company, Moses found that there were always people who were willing to help out, from offering studio space to volunteering to perform.


Reaching new levels

By remaining true to her passion, Moses has begun a focus on the company's latest large project, a stage show entitled, "Urban Noir Project: From Slavery to the White House." Utilizing the talents of dancers, singers, actors and more, the show showcases stories of African Americans throughout history. Moses states, "Transitioning to theater was a natural evolution. Urban Noir Productions was created to produce my stories." The production is in workshop stages throughout 2016, and Moses has utilized her drive and determination to bring the show to larger audiences beginning in 2017 with an eventual traveling production of the show.

Many people who have a vision for a product, service or business spend a lot of time focusing on potential roadblocks. However, Monica Moses' success with Urban Noir Productions proves that the path to success doesn't always go according to the business plan.




This article was written by Alaina Brandenburger of for CBS Small Business Pulse.


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