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'Elf On A Shelf' Creator Discusses Her Family Tradition That Inspired A Booming Business

STUDIO CITY ( — Carol Aebersold, Elf On A Shelf owner and creator, visited KCAL9 News to talk about her family's holiday tradition that inspired a booming business.

"I had a scout elf as a child and when I got married, he came with me and my children grew up with him. And, one day, my daughter said, 'Mom, we should share our elf tradition with the world.'"

Aebersold proceeded to write a book about a scout elf who's sent from the North Pole to live with a family. Each night, the elf reports back to Santa about how the children in the home have behaved, effectively helping Santa with this naught and nice lists. The elf returns each morning to a new spot in the house, providing a fun hide-and-seek element for children.

The book is sold with an elf doll so families can recreate the tradition in their own home.

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