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Earthquake: Are You Ready?

In light of recent quakes across the globe, anchor Laura Diaz looks at how ready Los Angeles is in the next Eye on Our Community special this Sunday at 6:30pm on CBS2. Haiti, Chile, Japan, New Zealand -- Is California next in line for a big earthquake? Native Southern Californians know it's been over 17 years since we had a major quake in the area (Northridge 6.7 magnitude) which makes people nervous. So how prepared are we? Was Japan enough to remind us what can happen here? What lessons have been learned? Seismologists warn Southern California residents to be prepared for a major earthquake at any time.

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L.A. County Battalion Fire Chief Larry Collins with USAR – Urban Search & Rescue takes us to the recent disasters through the eyes of a fire fighter who has been on the front lines trying to save as many lives as possible. U.S. Geological Survey Chief Scientist Lucy Jones who has been studying earthquakes for over 30 years tells us if we are prepared and her predictions on the next quake.


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Victims from the 1994 Northridge Earthquake reflect on what they experienced and how they warn residents to be prepared. We also review what happened at California State University at Northridge and how the campus has recovered.

RELATED LINK: CSUN Earthquake History

Laura Diaz takes a tour of the Emergency Operations Center in downtown Los Angeles and how it is uniquely engineered to survive the magnitude of an 8.0 earthquake. Then Dean Reese of Ready America shows us the products that can save your family from injury in the event of an earthquake.


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The American Red Cross Los Angeles reminds us what to do in the event of an earthquake. Also Denise Fleck with Sunny-Dog Ink warns us not to forget about your family pets when disaster strikes.


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American Red Cross Los Angeles CEO Paul Schulz talks about lessons learned from rescuers in Chile and the devastation in Japan. Volunteers from the Community Emergency Response Team show us how they are prepared to help their community in the event of a disaster including medical operations, disaster preparedness and search and rescue.

CERT Training: For more information contact your local fire or law enforcement agency of go to

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