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Dog Electrocuted While Walking With Owner Through City Park

HIGHLAND PARK ( — Officials are investigating the tragic electrocution of a dog in a city park Monday.

It's difficult for Mitchell Giraldo to not get emotional when he talks about his dog -- his favorite dog, Brownie, a 12-year-old German Shepherd mix. "He was just like a family member. Monday night was pretty bad for us," said Giraldo, choking back tears.

Giraldo's mother took Brownie on his morning walk at San Pascual Park.

The dog stepped on a metal grate, electronically charged, officials theorize, when copper thieves left wires exposed.

His mother called and told her Brownie had been electrocuted. "I ran as fast as I could," said Giraldo. "And he was on the floor, kinda moving. So I thought he might still be alive. So I tried to pick him up. But that's when I got shocked."

Brownie died in Giraldo's arms as his mom and witnesses looked on.

Tami Kovacs has been bringing her dog to the same park for years. "I think it's horrible. The city needs to really do something about this. It could have been a child."

Officials with LADWP confirm the electrical box was charged. They say they will investigate to determine exactly what caused the metal to become charged.

Giraldo said Brownie was the most loving dog and Brownie had a special place in his home. "He always had this spot in the house, where he would just lay there, it was his spot. And he would sleep there. That is always going to be his spot. I look at it now and it just makes me sad that he isn't there anymore."

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