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WATCH: Dodgers Ballgirl Saves Fan From 108.7 MPH Line Drive

Bryan Altman

One of the cardinal rules when attending a baseball game is to always remain alert when the game is live and that's doubly true when you're sitting in prime foul ball territory.

During Sunday's game between the Dodgers and the Diamondbacks, one fan sitting in the front row broke this rule and has a Dodgers' ballgirl to thank for saving him from being severely injured, or worse.


In the 8th inning of a Dodgers rout of a the D-Backs (the Dodgers won the game 14-3), Arizona's Brandon Drury laced a line drive into foul ground at 108.7 mph directly at the unsuspecting fan who was looking at his cell phone.

That's when the Dodgers ballgirl stationed on the third base side foul line sprung into action and deftly fielded the screaming liner before it collided with the fan's face.

The best part for the fan - besides being able to laugh off what could have been a scary situation - is that the ballgirl ended up giving him the foul ball as well.

Hopefully that will serve as a non-painful reminder to the lucky fan to keep your eyes on the ballgame at all times.

Bryan Altman is, for some reason, an unabashed fan of the Rangers, Jets and Mets. If he absolutely had to pick a basketball team it would be the Knicks, but he'd gladly trade them for just one championship for any of his other three teams.

Questions or comments? Feel free to follow Bryan on Twitter or send him an email.

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