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CVS Pharmacy To Fine Employees For Not Completing Annual Health Review

LOS ANGELES (  —A new CVS Pharmacy policy requires employees who use its health insurance plan to fill out an annual "wellness review," which includes questions on weight and body fat, or pay a hefty fine.

KNX 1070's Charles Feldman reported that workers who don't divulge the personal information will have to pay $600 more a year for the CVS health plan.

CVS Pharmacy To Fine Employees For Not Completing Annual Health Review

Dr. Deborah Peel, the founder of Patient Privacy Rights, called the policy coercive and punitive.

"Many people can't afford to give up $600, so it's not a voluntary program," she said.

In an email to KNX 1070, CVS said many companies offer incentives to workers to be healthier.

CVS Pharmacy said the health data collected will be kept by a third party.

Peel said those third parties often sell the information to others.

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