Coronavirus: Ventura County Residents Want Non-Residents To Stay Away From Open Beaches
VENTURA (CBSLA) — On Thursday evening in Ventura County, just north of the Los Angeles County line, a beach below the Pacific Coast Highway attracted a small crowd.
"Working is a lot," Robert Schafer, a beachgoer, said. "On my days off, I like to come down and chill by the beach."
Schafer is an essential employee, working at a deli and meat market. Being able to go to the beach is an escape from the reality of the novel coronavirus, an illness his job puts him at higher risk to contract.
"It's nice to be able to see people back out on the beaches, relaxed," he said.
County officials are bucking a Southland trend. The health department is not requiring residents and visitors to wear masks, and some beaches remain open, with restrictions.
All beaches south of Naval Base Ventura County at Point Mugu – down to the L.A. County line – are closed, according to the Ventura County Sheriff's Office.
All beaches north of Point Mugu, up to the Santa Barbara County line, are open with some restrictions.
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According to county rules, beachgoers are not supposed to linger, though walking, jogging and surfing are permitted. And those who live in the county are worried that residents of neighboring counties will come in and crowd their beaches.
"I think it's kind of unfair when people from inland and Los Angeles County come to Ventura beaches because it's just like this is our spot," one beachgoer said. "If you guys are just gonna come around here, and pack our beaches and get us closed down, it's unfair."
And it was not just people on the beach who want non-residents to stay out until restrictions are lifted.
"If you're coming from out of town to go to the beach, you're bringing whatever you have with you," one resident said. "My message would be: if you don't live there, don't go there."
In an effort to limit crowds, the sheriff's office announced Thursday night that parking along the PCH would be prohibited.
No parking would be allowed from Point Mugu State Beach south to the L.A. County line.
No parking would be allowed from Emma Wood State Beach north to the Santa Barbara County line.