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Coolest Houses Used In The Movies

When visitors want a Hollywood experience, they go looking for the elusive movie star. They hang out on Rodeo Drive with fingers crossed and are mostly, disappointed. If you want to the sure thing, check out these iconic movie houses where some of your favorite films were made.

Spadena House
516 Walden Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

This insanely whimsical house is technically called The Spadena House, but everyone calls it the witchy house. It was built in 1921 for a movie studio in Culver City, and was moved to this address in 1926. The house appeared in many silent films but more recently in Clueless starring Alicia Silverstone. You'll see it in the scene where she is walking home at night.

Ennis House
2607 Glendower Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Ironically this futuristic/Mayan house was actually built in 1924 by Frank Lloyd Wright. It has appeared in Blade Runner, The House on Haunted Hill, The Day of The Locust, in addition to TV shows and commercials. If you have the funds, this location could be yours. After many years of struggling to maintain it, the non profit that runs it has put the house on the market.

The South Seas Apartments
19223 Saticoy St.
Reseda, CA 91335

The South Seas Apartments, seen in The Karate Kid are virtually identical to the way they looked when the film was made in 1983. The building typical 70s architecture and if you're a fan of the film, it will be a "kick" to see.

Las Palmas Hotel
1738 N. Las Palmas Ave.
Hollywood, CA 90028

The Las Palmas Hotel is hardly the kind of place you'd expect to find Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, but this is where they filmed the final scene of Pretty Woman, on the fire escape.

The Sheats/Goldstein House
10104 Angelo View Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

The Sheats/Goldstein house was used in cult hit The Big Lebowski as well as in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, among others. It was built between 1961 and 1963 by John Lautner, a student of Frank Lloyd Wright's.

The Graduate House
607 North Palm Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

This house from the movie The Graduate is a two for one. The front of the house is the Robinson's, though it is red brick now instead of the white it was in 1967, when the film was made. Benjamin's backyard in back. It was all very economical of the movie studio.

The Mr. and Mrs. Smith House
1565 San Pasqual Street,
Pasadena, CA 91106

Jennifer Aniston is probably not a fan of this film, including the house that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie eventually blew up, possibly symbolizing the ruin of a real-life relationship. Still, it's lovely.

Marty McFly's House
9303 Roslyndale Ave
Pacoima, CA 91331

Remember all those cool scenes from the movie series of Back To The Future? They were filmed right here in Los Angeles. In the city of Pacoima, which is just north of Glendale, is the setting of some of the most famous scenes in the film series. From the fights with Biff Tannen to Doc Brown's scenes in the driveway, stop by this legendary filming setting!

House Of The Seven Dwarfs
2900-2912 1/2 Griffith Park Blvd

Ben Sherwood built this cluster of Tudor style cottages in 1931, close to where the first Disney Studios used to be off of Hyperion. Eight half-timbered, steep-roofed cottages are built around a courtyard and are excellent examples of the Storybook Architecture that flourished here in the 20s and 30s. According to Hollywood lore, Disney animators lived in them and used them as their architectural inspiration for the 1937 film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. However, if Disney doesn't float your boat, David Lynch used the cottages as his location for the Sierra Bonita apartments in his film Mulholland Drive.

Elise Crane Derby blogs about movies, theatre, and television at Elise's Ramblings.
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