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Peyton Manning To Miss 2-3 Months After Another Neck Surgery

CBS Sports
Will Brinson

Peyton Manning reportedly underwent a neck surgery known as cervical fusion on Thursday and will miss two-to-three months while he recovers. If this indeed the case, it's lines up perfectly, as we predicted earlier, with Mike Freeman's report that the Colts were prepping to lose Manning for half a season.

Of course, "two-to-three months" is all relative.

If it's two, that's half a season and you can see why Freeman's sources were concerned with that number. If it's three months, well, that's three-fourths of the season and any sort of delay in the recovery process would almost certainly put Manning out for the season.

The Manning surgery was originally reported by ESPN's Chris Mortensen, who adds that "there is no word whether he'll be put on [injured reserve]."

If that's the case, it certainly makes sense that, as we said earlier today, no one with the Colts actually knew what the deal with Manning was, because he was out there trying to find out what -- if any -- options were available for him from other medical professionals.

Will Carroll of Sports Illustrated paints an even bleaker picture, noting that "if reports of cervical fusion are correct, this is potentially career ending."

For those wondering why the timeline for Manning has been so vague this week, Michael Lombardi of the NFL Network reports that Peyton "has traveled all over the US trying to find a solution for his cervical problem, the latest recommendation resulted in surgery today."

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