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City of LA hosting anonymous fireworks buyback program on Saturday

City of LA offering anonymous fireworks buyback program to curb danger presented to communities
City of LA offering anonymous fireworks buyback program to curb danger presented to communities 02:31

As the Fourth of July approaches, and state officials warn the public against the use of illegal fireworks, especially with the looming drought plaguing California, the City of Los Angeles is offering an anonymous buyback of fireworks.

Los Angeles Police Department

The event, planned for Saturday at the Brand Park parking lot in Mission Hills from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., where members with both the Los Angeles Police and Fire Departments will be on hand to assist, offering gift cards in exchange for any illegal fireworks. 

"They're all illegal and prohibited," Rodriguez said at a press conference on Wednesday. "All of these items are eligible to participate in this buyback program."

In exchange, people will receive gift cards to places like Target, gas stations or local amusement parks for the transfer. 

Attendees were asked to transport the fireworks in the trunk of their vehicles, to expedite the process and allow authorities on hand to retrieve them. 

This would be the second-straight year of the partnership between Rodriguez, LAFD and LAPD, after they voluntarily collected more than a quarter ton of fireworks in 2021. 

"On the Fourth of July we respond to an additional 400+ calls," said LAFD Captain Erik Scott. "We all see another side that the general public does not see, and that's the significant permanent injuries and the devastating wildfires."

"If you purchase fireworks from a neighborhood, from a friend, an associate - you are furthering an underground market that poses a clear and present danger to this city," said LAPD Chief Michel Moore. "Possession of that is a misdemeanor. Don't put these officers in the awkward position of having to mess up your holiday."

Just Monday, Azusa Police Department officers located and seized more than 1,500 pounds of illegal fireworks and materials to make fireworks. 

LAPD, among the many agencies offering an option to report illegal fireworks, provided an online alternative to calling. 

Locals have been urged to instead consider attending a legal fireworks show, of which there are dozens planned throughout Los Angeles County. On Monday, Los Angeles County Fire Department, along with several other agencies detailed the true danger of fireworks of all forms, even those considered to be "tame" at a press conference.

On top of the stresses it places on local law enforcement, veterans and pets are placed in agonizing situations due to the booming explosions and bright flashes of light. 

"Unfortunately, this is the busiest time of year for animal services due to the number of animals that are terrified due to the fireworks," said Annette Ramirez with L.A. Animal Services. 

They're looking for foster families who are capable of taking car of dogs for four days as they hope to free up space for all of the frightened animals they're expecting.

L.A. Animal Services also offers advice on how to keep your pet safe during Fourth of July celebrations, especially with the prolonged fireworks shows that expose them to loud noises, bright lights and unusual smells. 

They recommend keeping your pet indoors, turning on a television or music to soften the jarring noises they may hear. If cases of anxiety are extreme, they recommend discussing options with your veterinarian. Additional advice was available at their website

CALFIRE Captain and Director of Wildfire Preparedness Daniel Berlant joined CBS2 News This Morning to discuss fireworks safety in the face of the looming drought in California, and the ease with which fire can spread.

Additionally, Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis held a separate press conference Wednesday to address the same topic with unincorporated area L.A. County. Joined by Los Angeles County Fire Department Chief Daryl Osby and Captain Pilar Chavez with East Los Angeles Sheriff's Station, she similarly highlighted the dangers of fireworks and the looming fines that violators could face.

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