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Caught on video: Crowds dodge speeding cars at street takeover in Rancho Dominguez

Los Angeles terrorized by series of street takeovers over weekend
Los Angeles terrorized by series of street takeovers over weekend 03:20

Speeding cars doing donuts and crowds of people took over several intersections in West Rancho Dominguez and South LA over the weekend.

Three took place between 11 p.m. Sunday and 1 a.m. Monday, at Normandie and Florence and Hooper and Firestone in South LA, and a third at Compton and San Pedro in West Rancho Dominguez. Officials from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to the scene in West Rancho Dominguez, but got there too late.

Video of Florence and Norrmandie captured one bizarre moment in which an ambulance entered the intersection, and everyone involved in the street takeover waited until it passed through the area.

(credit: CBS)

At the Compton and San Pedro scene, video shows things got chaotic when one man in a truck doing donuts in the intersection apparently threw cash, prompting several people to run out, dodging the speeding cars. 

Yet another video showed two cars collide with each other while performing donuts in the street, though the event went on as if nothing happened. 

No arrests were made, and no injuries were reported.

LASD officials explained that despite receiving 10 separate calls to report the incidents, they were unable to respond with the necessary units. 

"We don't have the amount of personnel to go in there and actually stop and pull over these vehicles," said Deputy Sheriff Miguel Meza. "The cars would tend to go away, they speed away. We don't have the vehicles and the resources. It's dangerous for deputy personnel to go in there."

LASD deputies come together once a month with officers with the Los Angeles Police Department to discuss the joint task force dedicated to stopping takeovers. 

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