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Caltrans, CHP Want Drivers To Remember To 'Move Over'

SAN BERNARDINO (CBS) — Caltrans worker Emma Griffith says she thought it was over one day while working on the 110 Freeway.

"Had I not jumped, I know, I know I wouldn't be here today," Griffith said.

Three Caltrans workers have been killed over the span of 48 days, prompting the ad campaign to "Move Over."

Caltrans workers face life and death every day while working alongside speeding cars, so the agency wants drivers to move over when approaching emergency vehicles or road work.

About 100 Caltrans workers were on hand at the kickoff of the campaign in San Bernardino Wednesday, each recalling close calls they've had during a normal day's work.

James Flores was clipped by a car last month, but he was the lucky one. His coworker, John Knabenbauer, was killed in that same incident, at the 215 Freeway at Fifth Street.

The bridge where Knabenbauer was killed now bears his name.

Caltrans and the California Highway Patrol want to remind drivers that "Move Over" is not simply an ad campaign – it's the law that drivers should move over one lane if possible when approaching emergency vehicles and workers, or at least slow down.

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