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Cal State LA student who asked Ysabel Jurado question about abolishing police works for Kevin de León

Fallout continues over LA City Council candidate's controversial statement on the police
Fallout continues over LA City Council candidate's controversial statement on the police 03:42

In the continued fallout surrounding Los Angeles City Council candidate Ysabel Jurado's anti-police comment during a public forum at Cal State LA last week, it has now been revealed that the person who prompted her response actually works for Kevin de León, whom she's running against for District 14. 

"She said what she sad, which was, 'F the police,'" Councilman de León said, once again calling out his opponent over her answer to the question about whether or not she supported abolishing the police. 

New information, however, reveals that the student who asked the question is a staff member in de León's office, who also happens to be a student at Cal State LA. 

"As someone who is myself pro-abolishment of police, where do you stand on that spectrum and what do you think about Kevin de León's discretionary fund spending on overtime for police," the student can be heard asking before Jurado's response: "What's the rap verse? F— the police, that's how I see 'em."

In the days since, Jurado has drawn ire from de León, District 14 constituents and the Los Angeles Police Protective League. 

KCAL News asked de León on Wednesday if he or his office intentionally planted the student at the forum. 

"Let me underscore, let me highlight, let me italicize, let me put it out there in bold — she fell into it," he said. "It was an open forum, he went there on his own accord and he asked the question."

When asked if de León was aware of whether that was the student's shared sentiment, or if he was just saying that to elicit a response, he said: "Let me just say, I don't have a litmus test with my staff members. I don't go with volunteers and interns and then ask what are your given issues."

He says that regardless of who asked the question, Jurado gave her answer. 

"He's a young man who I commend wholeheartedly and the reason why I commend him, is he got ... what I and others couldn't get for the last five months — which is confirmation that she wants to abolish the police," he said. 

Following the time that the leaked audio went public, Jurado's office shared a statement that says she quoted a lyric from a song that has been part of a larger conversation about systemic injustice and police accountability. 

When KCAL News attempted to speak with Jurado in person on Tuesday outside of her home, they were told that she was in a meeting. 

Again on Wednesday, outside of a campaign event in Downtown Los Angeles, KCAL News again approached Jurado to see if she stood by her comments. 

She said she would speak after the event, but left without taking any questions. 

LAPPL says that Jurado has yet to reach out following the fallout. 

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