TRAFFIC BLOG: 405 Closure Traffic Updates
CBS2/KCAL9 Leyla Gulen Reporting
1:15 P.M. UPDATE
STUDIO CITY (CBS) — It's now hour 13 and heavy machinery is once again rolling. Crews continue to collect debris that has fallen onto the freeway. Along the bridge's midsection, the south side is no more! Of course, all this demolition gives us a glimpse as to what it's going to look like on the bridge's north side in about a year's time. Stay tuned for Carmageddon 2!
I have to say, conditions are great out there. I'm happy to report that it appears commuters took all the warnings to heart and stayed close to home. Right now, there's a slight bit of slowing on the SB 405 from Burbank Blvd. to the 101.
Surface streets have some volume near the I-405 in the San Fernando Valley and on the westside, but it looks like traffic keeps flowing.
40 more hours to go. For all the latest, keep checking in on CBS 2 and KCAL 9!
12:15 P.M. UPDATE
Looks like crews have ceased chipping away at the Mulholland Bridge... at least for now. It appears construction management is now assessing the demolition progress.
Freeway traffic continues to flow without a hitch throughout the San Fernando Valley. Ventura Blvd. is looking a little congested in areas between Tarzana and Studio City. Also, there is no parking along portions of Ventura Blvd. between Balboa and Noble. Also, parking is restricted along Sepulveda Blvd. between Greenleaf and Ovada.
Travel close!
Just 41 more hours to go. Stay tuned to CBS 2 for my next update at 1p!
11:30 A.M. UPDATE
It's nearly high noon, 12 hours into the Mulholland Bridge demolition. Just before going on the air at 11a, I saw LIVE pictures of a huge section of the bridge spill onto the I-405. The drilling has stopped for now and crews are now scooping up the mess down below. Nearly 4 feet of dirt was laid down on the freeway to cushion the falling debris. Hopefully no new potholes!
More and more drivers are hitting the roads at this hour. Beverly Glen was looking quite as busy, but at last check, the traffic seems to have subsided. Coldwater and Laurel Canyons are still pretty open. Mulholland is moving, although there is some more volume. If you're wanting to make it to the beach, Topanga Canyon is moving right along.
The freeways through the San Fernando Valley are in great shape. Keep it up, travel close to home! If you're on the westside, no problems on the freeways, just a bit of congestion on Santa Monica Blvd.
Just 42 more hours to go. Keep it tuned to CBS 2 for my next update at 12:01p!
10:30 A.M. UPDATE
We're now into normal business hours and traffic is slightly building along surface streets. The freeways around the I-405, however, are still moving along at top speeds!
In my last update at 10a on CBS 2, we took a LIVE look at the Mulholland Bridge from Skirball Center Dr. Crews continue to make exceptional progress on the bridge. Why exceptional? Well, as you can imagine, it's a rather tedious process chipping away at thick concrete without comprimising the rest of the bridge. In addition, KNX 1070 Newsradio is reporting that the demolition could possibly be done before the scheduled time of 6a Monday morning. Don't count on it, though, as any number of issues could arise. We certainly hope everything stays on course!
Construction crews also have an incentive to keep to their schedule. For every 10 minutes they are late re-opening the roads, they will be charged $6,000...that's $36,000 per hour!
Just 43 more hours to go. Keep it tuned to CBS2 for my next update at 10:59a!
9:30 A.M. UPDATE
Well, 8 o'clock has come and gone and the Mulholland Bridge is shrinking by the minute! I just did the 9am update on CBS 2, and folks are still heeding the warning!! We are now a little more than 9 hours into demolition...only 44 more to go! Keep up the good work staying off the roads!
At the moment, traffic conditions are in top shape. The major surface streets that we all use as alternates are also looking clear. Just remember, let's do our best especially to stay off of those canyon roads, including Sepulveda Blvd. Those are primarily for local residents. Speaking of Sepulveda Blvd., traffic control will not allow any large trucks through, so you'll have to go around by staying on the freeways.
I am noticing just a little bit of a traffic buildup on the WB 210 through Azuza. Traffic starts getting heavy at Grand. Orange County and the IE look spectacular!! No tie-ups if you're still heading out of town to Vegas, Palm Springs or San Diego.
Another LIVE update is coming up at 10a! Come and join me!
8:30 A.M. UPDATE
Good Morning!!! Is everyone hunkered down for Carmageddon? Just did the 8am update on CBS 2, and....So far so good!! The 405 shut down is officially underway... only 45 hours to go! And, everyone is doing a great job staying off the roads. No major crashes out there, either.
Crews have made unbelievable progress demolishing the south side of the Mulholland Bridge. Major chunks of concrete have come down and heavy equipment has been chewing at the rebar, leaving gaping holes that will eventually be turned into a new, wider bridge.
So, far, if you MUST hit the roads, conditions look great along the 101 Freeway through Woodland Hills and into Studio City. Don't forget, two right lanes will be blocked on both the NB and SB 101 at the 405.
Just finding a little tap on the breaks NB along the 710 Freeway from Firestone to the I-5. Also, some volume is building on the EB 10 Freeway through Monterey Park.
The OC is all clear and the Inland Empire is free flowing.
I'll be bringing you another LIVE update at 8:59a on the nose! So, stay tuned!