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Baby Shark Spotted Near Seal Beach Surfing Spot

SEAL BEACH ( — A baby shark was spotted Friday at a popular surfing spot in Seal Beach, authorities said.

The two-and-a-half-foot long shark was initially spotted by a surfer about 12:30 p.m. near the mouth of the San Gabriel River north of the pier, according to Seal Beach Police.

"At about an hour later, at about 1:30 p.m., [the surfer] had the shark swim up to them. They said it was about three-feet-long and it swam up to them. It was six-inches under the water and it surfaced twice," said Seal Beach Marine Safety officer Nick Bolin.

The area - which is known as "Ray Bay" and is popular with local surfers - was not evacuated as the small shark did not act aggressively, according to CBS2's Michele Gile.

The last sighting in the river was around 2 p.m. However, the news of the sighting didn't deter Christian Bentley, a surfer, and his friends.

"We stayed in there and surfed for about an hour and then they said it was heading down the shore … we weren't too worried about it after that," he said.

Authorities were unable to determine the species of shark.

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