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A Different Option for Pro Football in L.A.: Oh, And Baseball, too.

Follow me, here: they want to put in a football stadium in downtown L.A.; everybody knows that much. The return of a pro team, more business, more jobs, more tax revenue, bla, bla, bla.  But! Notice anything  wrong with this plan? Where would spectators hold their tailgate parties? (Parking would be covered.) What would happen to traffic on the over-stressed Harbor Freeway? (Answer: gridlock.) And where nearby would people go before/after the Sunday game ? 

Herewith: a modest proposal that will never be seriously considered.

1)  Tear down Dodger Stadium (Off to a shaky start, Kent. -Ed.)

2) Build the new football stadium at Chavez Ravine. Tons of space for tailgating; room to build bars and restaurants  on the property; no further traffic crowding downtown. 

3) Build a new Dodger Stadium at the currently proposed football site, downtown! Don't need the space for tailgating; Spectators could participate in the time-honored tradition of walking to the ballpark after work; plenty of bars/restaurants nearby, to talk about the game when it's done. 

If you like it or hate it, write a Comment, below. If you're luke-warm on the whole deal, don't feel pressured. (Thanks to morning reporter extraordinaire, Kirk Hawkins for the inspiration to publish this beauty.)

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