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Trump wins North Carolina in 2024 presidential election, CBS News projects. See county-by-county results.

Donald Trump elected president again after winning Wisconsin's electoral votes, CBS News projects 12:18

Former President Donald Trump has won North Carolina, taking the state's 16 electoral votes, CBS News projects.

Democrats have long eyed North Carolina as a battleground state in the race for president, though the last time a Democratic presidential candidate won North Carolina was in 2008, when Barack Obama narrowly beat John McCain. 

With 97% of jurisdictions reporting, as of 2:30 a.m. ET Wednesday, Trump maintains a lead of about 3.3 percentage points as vote-counting continues.


Democrats fend off challenge in North Carolina's 1st district

Democratic Rep. Don Davis fended off a challenge from Republican candidate Laurie Buckhout in North Carolina's 1st District, CBS News projected. 

By Caitlin Yilek

Trump wins North Carolina, CBS News projects

Former President Donald Trump wins North Carolina, a battleground state with 16 electoral votes, CBS News projects. 

By Caitlin Yilek

Josh Stein projected to win gubernatorial race

CBS News projects North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, a Democrat, wins the gubernatorial race, defeating Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. 

By Caitlin Yilek

Major issues in North Carolina

  • Effects of Hurricane Helene: Election officials have faced numerous hurdles to ensure that voters in storm-ravaged areas can vote. But even after Helene's destruction, early voter turnout has been strong. 
  • Issues on the ballot: North Carolina voters will decide on a ballot measure proposing an amendment to the state's constitution to explicitly prohibit noncitizens from voting in any election in the state. If passed, the amendment would not change existing law because it's already illegal for noncitizens to vote in elections in the state. Similar measures have been championed by Republicans across the country who argue it's needed for election integrity . Opponents, including Democrats, say it's targeting a nonexistent issue and could fuel fears about immigrants. 
By Caitlin Yilek

Major races in North Carolina

The gubernatorial race is the major race to watch this year in North Carolina. Republican Mark Robinson , the state's embattled lieutenant governor, is facing Democrat Josh Stein, who serves as the state's attorney general. Less than two months before the election, the race was rocked by a CNN report that detailed incendiary, explicit and racist comments that Robinson posted on a pornographic website more than a decade ago. Robinson denied posting the comments, but a number of his staff left his campaign . Following the revelations, the Cook Political Report shifted the race from "lean Democrat" to "likely Democrat." 

The other race to watch is in the 1st Congressional District in eastern North Carolina. Republican candidate Laurie Buckhout is trying to unseat Democratic Rep. Don Davis in a district that became more competitive for Republicans after redistricting. The district hasn't elected a Republican since 1883 . The winner of this race could help determine control of the House. 

By Caitlin Yilek

Polling in North Carolina

CBS News rates the presidential race in North Carolina as a toss-up, with the latest estimates showing Trump leading Harris by 2 percentage points, which is within the margin of error. Other polls conducted in recent weeks show Trump with a similar edge. 

By Caitlin Yilek

What time do polls close in North Carolina?

Polling locations in North Carolina closed at 7:30 p.m. ET. Any voter in line when polls close is allowed to vote. 

By Caitlin Yilek
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