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Coronavirus updates: 21 people test positive on cruise ship, Pence says

Coronavirus cases surpass 100,000 worldwide 03:42

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Health officials across the globe were scrambling to contain the global coronavirus outbreak Friday and grasping to better understand it, as the number of confirmed cases worldwide continued to climb. 

According to data compiled by Johns Hopkins, there have been more than 101,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. More than 57,000 people have recovered, and at least 3,400 people have died.

There have been 17 deaths in the United States – 14 in Washington state, two in Florida and one in California. Vice President Mike Pence announced Friday night that 21 people on the Grand Princess cruise ship, which is currently floating off the coast of San Francisco, have tested positive for the virus. The ship will dock this weekend, and thousands of passengers and crew members will be tested. 

President Trump signed an $8.3 billion emergency spending bill Friday to help fund work on a vaccine, and to help the United States catch up to other nations with testing.   

The World Health Organization issued a plea Thursday for every country to pull out "all the stops" to test large numbers of people, and to aggressively control outbreaks where they do pop up.

The Trump administration has faced criticism over the availability of test kits in the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has said any American would be able to get tested for the disease — but he acknowledged Thursday, as the government raced to distribute tests, that the capacity wasn't there yet.


South Carolina, Hawaii report first coronavirus cases

South Carolina and Hawaii reported their first coronavirus cases on Friday night. They are the 28th and 29th states to report cases of the virus.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control announced two presumptive positive cases: An "elderly adult female" from Kershaw County who has been hospitalized, and an adult female from Charleston County who recently traveled to France and Italy. The Charleston County patient is self-isolating at home, according to the department.

In Hawaii, Governor David Ige said an Oahu resident who traveled on the same Grand Princess voyage as the deceased California passenger has tested positive for the virus, according to CBS affiliate KGMB-TV. Officials said the patient is quarantined at home and "doing well."

By Victoria Albert

Florida announces 2 coronavirus deaths, bringing total in U.S. to 17

The Florida Department of Health announced that two additional people had died from the coronavirus on Friday night, bringing the country's total to 17. 

One of the deaths occurred in Lee County, which includes Fort Myers, and the other happened in Santa Rosa County, near Pensacola, the department wrote on Twitter. 

By Victoria Albert

FBI employee diagnosed with coronavirus

An FBI employee in California has been diagnosed with coronavirus, the San Francisco branch of the agency confirmed to CBS News in a statement. 

"This employee works in a small satellite office," the agency said. "The other employees at the site have returned to their homes until further notice, and everyone known to have been in contact with the infected employee has been notified of possible exposure." 

By Victoria Albert

Starbucks employee in Seattle diagnosed with coronavirus

Starbucks announced Friday night that one of its employees in a store in downtown Seattle has been diagnosed with coronavirus. The company said the patient is now isolating at home. 

"We quickly activated our protocols, immediately closing the store and initiating a deep clean overnight, following all recommended guidelines from the City of Seattle and King County public health authorities," the company wrote in a statement. "These officials have encouraged us to reopen the store after further preventative cleaning, which we have already conducted, staffed by partners who have no known impact from COVID-19." 

By Victoria Albert

Watch: Is it safe to fly?

As coronavirus spreads throughout the U.S., health officials weigh in on whether it's safe to fly. Watch Kris Van Cleave's report below.

Health officials weigh in on airline travel risks 02:26

Nebraska reports first presumptive positive coronavirus case

Officials in Nebraska announced the state's first presumptive positive coronavirus case on Friday. A statement on the governor's website described the patient as a woman in her 30s from Douglas county, who returned to the state from England at the end of February. She was hospitalized on March 5, and testing came back positive on Friday afternoon. 

By Victoria Albert

President Trump says "anybody" can get a coronavirus test, contradicting health officials

President Trump, on a visit to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, asserted that coronavirus tests are available to "anybody." "Anybody that wants a test can get a test," he said. "That's what the bottom line is." That comment is not yet true, and contradicts health officials across the country. 

"Anybody right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test," Mr. Trump added. "They're there. They have the tests and the tests are beautiful. Anybody that needs a test gets a test. If there's a doctor that wants to test, if there's somebody coming off a ship like the big monster ship that's out there right now, which you know again, that's a big decision. Do I wanna bring all of those people on? People would like me to do that. I don't like the idea of doing it."

The claim that the tests are readily available and are widely accessible "right now and yesterday" is not yet true. Across the country, health care providers say they do not have the tests to administer.

Mr. Trump's claim appeared to contradict Vice President Pence, who is heading up the administration's coronavirus response. On Thursday, Pence said, "We don't have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward."

On Friday, soon after the president's remarks, the vice president was asked about Mr. Trump's statement that anyone who needs a test can have one. Pence responded, "For the communities impacted that have concerns about the coronavirus, we have been able to respond to requests for tests." 


15th person in U.S. dies from coronavirus

Seattle & King County Public Health officials reported another death in King County on Friday, bringing the total number of coronavirus deaths in the U.S. to 15. 

The patient was described as a male in his 60s who died on March 5. He was not a resident of Life Care Center of Kirkland, where multiple other patients have died of coronavirus, but he was a visitor, according to a statement from health officials.  

Thirteen of the country's deaths have occurred in King County. One other death occurred in Snohomish County, Washington, and the final death occurred in California. 

By Victoria Albert

Connecticut governor says hospital employee diagnosed with coronavirus

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont tweeted Friday that an employee at Danbury and Norwalk hospitals has been diagnosed with coronavirus. Although the patient works in Connecticut, they are a resident of New York State, according to the tweet. 

Correction: An earlier version of this post said the patient worked in California. The patient works in Connecticut.

By Victoria Albert

Colombia, Costa Rica report first coronavirus cases

Colombia and Costa Rica reported their first coronavirus cases on Friday, joining more than 90 other countries across the globe. 

Colombia announced its first case in a tweet from the ministry of health. 

Costa Rica's health minister said Friday that one 49-year-old member of an American couple tested positive for the virus. The minister said the couple entered the country on March 1, and that the patient is in stable condition "under constant medical observation." 

By Victoria Albert

Minnesota, Indiana, Kentucky and Oklahoma report first coronavirus cases

Minnesota, Indiana, Kentucky and Oklahoma reported their first cases of coronavirus on Friday. They are the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th states to report cases. 

In Minnesota, the state's Department of Health said in a press release that their patient is a presumptive positive case, who the department described as "an older adult resident of Ramsey County who recently traveled on a cruise ship with a known COVID-19 case." The patient began developing symptoms on February 25 and sought health care on March 5, according to the statement. They are currently recovering at home. 

In Indiana, Governor Eric J. Holcomb and the Indiana State Department of Health announced their first presumptive positive case in a Marion County resident who recently traveled to Boston. 

In Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear announced the state's first case in a man who lives in Lexington. And in Oklahoma, state officials announced a case in a Tulsa County resident in his 50s who returned from Italy on February 23. 

By Victoria Albert

21 people on Grand Princess tested positive for coronavirus, Pence says

Vice President Mike Pence said at a press briefing Friday that of the 46 people on the Grand Princess who were tested for coronavirus, 21 tested positive. An additional 24 people tested negative, and one person's test was inconclusive. 

Of the 21 confirmed cases, 19 were crew members and two were passengers, Pence said.

Pence also said that over the weekend, the Grand Princess will be brought to a non-commercial port where thousands of crew members and passengers will be tested. CBS News has also learned that 1,100 crew members will be quarantined.

By Victoria Albert

South by Southwest festival canceled due to coronavirus concerns

The upcoming South by Southwest festival has been cancelled because of concerns about the novel coronavirus, officials in Austin, Texas, announced Friday. 

South by Southwest is one of the biggest public conferences of the year, with about 75,000 registered guests. The city — which said there were no confirmed cases of the virus in Austin — cited risks including the planned arrival of visitors from international locations that have faced outbreaks of the virus. 

The announcement comes only days after a number of major companies, including Apple, Facebook, Intel and Netflix had pulled out of the event.

By Stephen Gandel

United Nations asks 9 countries to delay peacekeeper rotations

The United Nations on Friday asked nine countries, including China, South Korea and France, to delay the rotations of their U.N. peacekeeping forces by three months due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The request was made to the countries "to maintain operational strength and execute their mandated tasks," according to diplomatic sources at the U.N. cited by AFP. 

The nine countries also include Cambodia, Thailand, Nepal, India, Italy and Germany — all of which have experienced significant outbreaks of the COVID-19 virus.

The U.N. peacekeeping missions, known as the Blue Helmets, are under constant reassessment in relation to the rotations of the soldiers and police, who are deployed to the mission by their home countries.

The U.N. wants to keep the deployed troops healthy while maintaining the continuity of the operations.

The Blue Helmets have around 100,000 people in peacekeeping operations in 15 countries.



University of Washington cancels in-person classes

The University of Washington has cancelled all in-person classes for the remainder of the quarter amid the coronavirus outbreak that has taken hold near Seattle. 

The school said they plan to resume "normal class operations" for the spring quarter starting March 30. The school said in a press release that the decision was intended "as a way to increase precautionary health measures, such as social distancing, and ensure the successful conclusion of the quarter for UW students."

A second press release Friday announced that a staff member at the school has received a "presumptive positive" diagnosis for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

"The employee is in self-isolation at home, and we wish them the best in their recovery. Out of an abundance of caution, the building, which is located west of the UW's Seattle campus... has been closed for appropriate cleaning until further notice," reads the statement.

As of Monday, March 9, classes and finals on all three of the school's campuses will not be held in person. The campus' hospitals and clinics, dining and residence halls, library, and recreation and athletics facilities will remain open.

By Audrey McNamara

Trump reschedules planned trip to CDC headquarters in Atlanta

President Trump is once again expected to visit the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday afternoon, Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told reporters. The visit is scheduled for 4 p.m. ET.

A White House official told CBS News earlier Friday that the trip had been canceled, as concerns ramp up about the spread of COVID-19 in the United States.

"The president is no longer traveling to Atlanta today. The CDC has been proactive and prepared since the very beginning and the president does not want to interfere with the CDC's mission to protect the health and welfare of their people and the agency," a White House official told CBS News.

But the president himself offered a slightly different explanation for the previously scrapped trip when he spoke to reporters at the White House — someone at the CDC was suspected of having the virus, but tested negative.

By Sarah Lynch Baldwin

Miami cancels large Hispanic music festival over coronavirus

Officials canceled on Friday a large Hispanic street festival in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood citing fears that crowded events could spread coronavirus more widely. Mayor Francis Suarez said the city of Miami would not grant permits for the Calle Ocho Music Festival, effectively canceling the street event, in an "abundance of caution" as cases of the coronavirus continue to rise. 

Authorities announced the decision a day after they decided to cancel another music festival that draws thousands to Miami's downtown Bayfront Park. Both festivals take place in March, in Florida's spring break season.

Calle Ocho was scheduled for Sunday to stretch over 20 blocks in the heart of the city's Cuban community, with live music performances of Latino artists on 10 stages. Organizers say it draws a million people and in the past has featured artists that are now widely known such as Pitbull and Maluma. 

-The Associated Press 

By Sarah Lynch Baldwin

Coronavirus: The Race to Respond

As the novel coronavirus spreads across the country and around the world, "CBS This Morning's" special, "Coronavirus: The Race to Respond," addressed critical information on how the virus is being tracked and treated. 

On Friday, reporters in multiple countries shared the latest on infection numbers, supply shortages and the economic impact. Medical experts answered pressing questions, and shared how to protect yourself and your family.  

Watch it below:

Coronavirus: The Race to Respond 32:39
By Sarah Lynch Baldwin

Indiana announces first presumptive positive case

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb and the Indiana State Department of Health announced the first "presumptive positive" COVID-19 case in the state on Friday. 

A presumptive positive case means the person tested positive for the disease caused by coronavirus and samples are awaiting CDC confirmation.

The case is in a resident of Marion County who recently traveled to Boston, according to officials. 

"With the help of our federal, state and local partners, Indiana is responding to this case as we have planned and prepared for weeks," Holcomb said, according to a news release. "The Hoosier who has been diagnosed has taken responsible steps to stay isolated."

The governor is issuing a public health emergency declaration.  

By Sarah Lynch Baldwin

Maryland officials announce 3 positive COVID-19 tests

The Maryland Department of Health announced the following figures on Friday:

Number of patients tested for COVID-19: 41
Number of COVID-19 tests pending: 12
Number of negative COVID-19 tests: 26
Number of positive COVID-19 tests: 3

"This is a rapidly evolving situation and the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) will provide updates as they become available," said a statement on the health department's website.

By Sarah Lynch Baldwin

WHO chief says world on "verge of reaching 100,000 confirmed cases"

"We are now on the verge of reaching 100,000 confirmed cases" of the new coronavirus, World Health Organization Secretary General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Friday.

The WHO chief said there were 98,023 reported cases of the COVID-19 disease globally, and 3,380 deaths.

With 47 countries reporting new cases over the last 24 hours, Tedros said every nation facing an outbreak should "make containment their highest priority."

"We continue to call on countries to find, test, isolate and care for every case, and to trace every contact," he said, adding that "slowing down the epidemic saves lives, and it buys time for preparedness and for research and development."

By Tucker Reals

Pennsylvania becomes 22nd state with coronavirus cases

Pennsylvania has its first two cases of the new coronavirus. Governor Tom Wolf confirmed the presence of the disease at a news conference on Friday morning, saying it wasn't "the first rapidly spreading virus we have faced, and it certainly will not be our last."

He reassured Pennsylvanians that the state's health infrastructure was ready for the challenge.

A statement released by the governor's office said both "presumptive positive cases" were adults and that they were currently isolated in their homes, but gave no further identifying information. The statement's use of the word "presumptive" suggested state health officials were still awaiting confirmation of their tests from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  

One of the patients had recently traveled to a country with a COVID-19 outbreak, and the other to an unspecified "area of the United States where COVID-19 is present," according to the statement from the governor's office.

By Tucker Reals

Seattle stadium staffer who worked XFL game tests positive for coronavirus

Authorities say a stadium employee who worked a February 22 XFL game at the 72,000-seat venue where the Seattle Seahawks play has tested positive for the coronavirus.  Chase Gallagher, a spokesman for King County, said Thursday that previously scheduled sporting events at CenturyLink Field will proceed.

However health authorities have advised that the elderly and people with weak immune systems not attend games or matches there in the near term. CBS affiliate KIRO-TV reports public health officials are following up with a few co-workers who had close contact with the part-time employee during the game to provide guidance on appropriate precautions.



Trump signs counter-virus spending package, says he "may" visit CDC after all

President Trump signed an $8.3 billion emergency supplemental package to respond to the coronavirus on Friday morning, after the bill was passed by overwhelming bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress earlier this week. The bill provided far more than the $2.5 billion initially requested by the Trump administration.

"We're signing the $8.3 billion. I asked for 2.5 and I got 8.3, and I'll take it," Mr. Trump told reporters as he signed the bill. "We're doing well, but it's an unforeseen problem."

Mr. Trump also said he "may be going" to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, Friday afternoon, after a White House official announced that the trip was canceled earlier this morning.

Trump signs coronavirus spending bill 11:33
By Grace Segers

Pompeo says China's initial response put U.S. "behind the curve"

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed China on Friday for putting the U.S. "behind the curve" in its response to the coronavirus epidemic, saying the Chinese government initially withheld data on the virus that emerged late last year in the central province of Hubei.

"The information that we got at the front end of this thing wasn't perfect and has led us now to a place where much of the challenge we face today has put us behind the curve," Pompeo said in an interview on CNBC. "That's not the way infectious disease doctors tell me it should work. It's not the way America works with transparency and openness and the sharing of the information that needs to take place."

With the Trump administration coming under pressure this week for the slow distribution of virus test kits around the country, Pompeo said working with the Chinese government had been "incredibly frustrating," adding that he was "confident we can handle it here… better than any nation in the world."

"There was information that could have been made available more quickly and data that could have been provided and shared among health professionals across the world," he said of China's initial response, calling it "most unfortunate." 

By Tucker Reals

Lessons for the U.S. from other countries battling the coronavirus

More than 20 countries around the world have closed schools and, in extreme cases like China, implemented mass quarantines in an effort to contain the coronavirus. 

Amid accusations that the federal government may not be doing enough to contain its spread in the U.S., Dr. Tara Narula joined "CBS This Morning" on Friday to share what she thinks the U.S. can learn from other countries efforts to stem the spread of the deadly COVID-19 disease.

What else can the U.S. do about coronavirus? 01:40

Authorities vow to crack down on coronavirus gear price gouging

Stores are selling out of products like hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and face masks, and some customers in the U.S. have reported much higher prices. In New York City, pharmacies are having trouble keeping up with demand, CBS News consumer investigative correspondent Anna Werner reports.

One New Jersey woman said she went to six stores before finding hand sanitizer and when she went to pay, the clerk asked for $50.

"I think that's disgusting, and they're taking advantage of people right now," she said.

How coronavirus price-gouging is hurting consumers 04:24

Online, sales of virus protection products have skyrocketed by 817% in the last two months.

Two large bottles of hand sanitizer that normally sell for about nine bucks were going for $299 on Amazon. Four boxes of face masks that usually sell for about $20 dollars, was being offered at more than $1,000.

Amazon said it was cracking down on price gouging, and now states and cities are doing the same. California's attorney general told businesses that if they violated price gouging laws, they better be ready "to pay the price for your lawbreaking."

New York City is issuing $500 fines to any stores found price gouging, starting this week.


European coronavirus outbreaks grow, with 1st death in Netherlands

The Dutch public health institute has reported the Netherlands' first coronavirus death, while Serbia and Slovakia confirmed their first cases of the virus.

An 86-year-old man died in a hospital in Rotterdam. It is not known where he contracted the virus. The Netherlands currently has 82 known infections.

The 43-year-old man now infected in Serbia had visited Budapest, the Hungarian capital. The 52-year-old man hospitalized in Slovakia didn't travel abroad but his son had returned recently from Venice. Italy, with 148 virus deaths and over 3,800 infections, is the epicenter of Europe's virus outbreak.

Elsewhere, Germany's confirmed virus cases topped 530, with 423 in France, 345 in Spain and 109 in Belgium.

-Associated Press


EPA lists disinfectants it says will work against the coronavirus

Here is the Environmental Protection Agency's list of disinfectants that can be used against the coronavirus:

EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Cause of COVID-19 by CBS This Morning on Scribd

Trump visit to CDC headquarters cancelled so he doesn't "interfere" in the mission

President Trump has cancelled a visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, that had been planned for Friday afternoon, as concerns mount over the spread of COVID-19 in the United States.

"The president is no longer traveling to Atlanta today. The CDC has been proactive and prepared since the very beginning and the president does not want to interfere with the CDC's mission to protect the health and welfare of their people and the agency," a White House official told CBS News.

The cancellation comes amid criticism over the speed at which the Trump administration has made test kits for the new virus available to health authorities across the U.S.

By Grace Segers

Concern mounts on cruise ship off Califorina coast as testing begins

California health officials have said 35 people aboard the Grand Princess cruise ship, currently quarantined off the San Francisco coast, have exhibited flu-like symptoms. The California National Guard rushed to deliver 300 coronavirus testing kits to the ship Thursday amid a state of emergency in California after the state's first coronavirus-linked death

The 71-year-old man who died with the disease had been a passenger on the same ship just weeks ago. He died after disembarking in San Francisco, where two new cases have recently been confirmed.

Several passengers on the ship told CBS News' Jamie Yuccas they were were concerned about the ship's protocols.

Mary Ellen Carroll, an official at the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management, said the CDC would select which passengers to test, but that "they are testing folks who were symptomatic first."

Passenger Chris Grady worried about people being allowed to roam freely around the common areas on board even after the death of the previous passenger.

"I feel like they probably should have just had everyone go to their rooms, pretty immediately once they figured that out," he said.


Senior Chinese official heckled while touring virus epicenter city

Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, the only woman in the Chinese Communist Party's senior leadership, got a less-than-cordial reception when she visited the city at the epicenter of China's coronavirus outbreak this week. As Sun toured a neighborhood in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province, where the global epidemic started and where at least 2,328 people have died so far, residents shouted abuse from their balconies.

Videos circulating on Chinese social media showed people shouting "fake, fake, it's all fake!" as Sun walked through the streets below with her entourage. Domestic media said the cries of "fake" were a reference to claims that volunteers had delivered meat and vegetables to residents, which many said had not actually happened.

Hubei residents have been struggling psychologically under weeks of mandatory isolation, but they have also struggled to find enough food. Confined to their homes, the only way for people in Wuhan to get groceries has been to wait for government-organized deliveries, with limited choice.

Although Chinese state television did not air video showing the cries of "fake" from Wuhan balconies, the social media videos were not immediately removed by Chinese internet censors, and Sun ordered local officials to investigate the complaints of shortages.

- Shuai Zhang


First coronavirus case confirmed inside Vatican City

The Holy See confirmed the first case of the new coronavirus inside Vatican City on Friday, saying outpatient services at a health center in the independent city state, which sits in the heart of Rome, were temporarily suspended "in order to sanitize the rooms following a positivity to COVID-19 found yesterday in a patient."

The Vatican said it was informing Italian authorities and had launched "planned health protocols." Italy is still grappling to rein in the biggest coronavirus outbreak outside of Asia, but the majority of cases have been clustered in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto, almost 300 miles north of the Italian capital.

Pope Francis has suffered from a cold over the past week, seen coughing and sneezing, and he cancelled several public events. The Vatican confirmed the pontiff had been tested and cleared of the new disease, however.

By Tucker Reals

Iran threatens "force" to stem domestic travel as virus spreads

Iran said Friday the new coronavirus had killed 124 people in the country, which had at least 4,747 confirmed cases, as authorities warned they may use "force" to limit travel between cities.

Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour offered the figures in a televised news conference, but did not elaborate on the threat to use force. 

He acknowledged the virus was now in all of Iran's 31 provinces, and the threat may be to stop people from using the closed schools and universities as an excuse to go to the Caspian Sea and other Iranian vacation spots. 

Semiofficial news agencies in Iran posted images of long lines of traffic as people tried to reach the Caspian coast from Tehran Friday, despite authorities earlier telling people to remain in their cities. 

Iran said Thursday it would put checkpoints in place to limit travel between major cities, hoping to stem the spread of the virus.



Former Baltimore health commissioner on how to prep for coronavirus

Although the risk for most Americans of infection by the coronavirus remains low, the former Baltimore health commissioner says everyone should be taking precautions. Dr. Leana Wen spoke with CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett for an episode of "The Takeout" podcast focused on the coronavirus.

"We're a country of 330 million people, so the risk to the average, everyday person remains low. But that still means that we should get prepared," Wen said. She compared preparing for the coronavirus to anticipating a snowstorm or a hurricane: "It may never happen, but if it does, at least we're prepared."

Wen also debunked the idea that wearing a mask in public will help prevent a person from getting the virus. Surgical masks are not designed to prevent you from getting sick, Wen noted, but to protect other people  from your germs. As people breathe and cough into the mask, it also becomes damp and collects your germs.

By Grace Segers

China hints quarantine of epicenter province could be lifted soon

China may soon lift the quarantine imposed on the province at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak which has been under lockdown for more than a month, a senior government official hinted Friday.

Asked about the draconian measures taken in central Hubei province to contain the spread of the virus, Ding Xiangyang, deputy secretary-general of China's State Council, told journalists "the day everyone is waiting for will not be too far away." 

But Ding stressed that cases in Hubei, and its capital Wuhan where the virus emerged, still made up a huge proportion of the national toll. Some 56 million people in Hubei have been effectively quarantined since late January to stop the virus spreading.

But new cases in Hubei and Wuhan have been on a downward trend for several weeks. For the first time since China started publishing cases of new infections, on Friday there were no new cases reported in Hubei outside Wuhan, where there were 126. 



South Korea threatens retaliation after Japan imposes travel restrictions

South Korea said Friday that it's weighing countermeasures to what it described as Japan's "unjust, unacceptable" travel restrictions barring visitors from highly affected areas in South Korea and Iran, Reuters reported. The restrictions would also force arrivals from other regions of South Korea and Iran to undergo a two-week quarantine.

"It is unacceptable that the Japanese government took such an unjust action without prior consultations with us, and we will explore necessary countermeasures based on principles of reciprocity," the country's presidential National Security Council said in a statement cited by Reuters.

South Korea has the largest coronavirus outbreak outside of China. There are more than 6,000 confirmed cases and at least 42 deaths from the virus in the country, according to the latest figures from the government. 


Watch: How hospitals have adapted to coronavirus outbreaks

Hospitals in Illinois are being forced to change vital procedures as they brace for an influx of coronavirus cases. CBS News got a rare inside look at how one emergency room is functioning during this crisis. 

How hospitals are dealing with coronavirus cases 02:02
By Adriana Diaz

35 on Grand Princess cruise ship have shown possible virus symptoms

Out of the more than 3,000 passengers on the Grand Princess cruise ship, at least 35 have tested positive for the coronavirus. As a result, California Governor Gavin Newsom has barred the ship from docking in San Francisco until the patients have been tested. 

Currently, the ship is floating approximately 70 miles off the coast. Test results are expected as early as Friday. 

Cruise ship held at sea after former passenger's death 03:15
By Jamie Yuccas

Trump to sign the coronavirus bill Friday, Pence says

Vice President Mike Pence said Thursday that President Trump will sign the bill providing $8.3 billion in emergency supplemental funds for the coronavirus on Friday. Pence made the comments while visiting officials in Washington State who are battling the state's coronavirus outbreak. 

"I'm also grateful to be joined by members of the Washington delegation to our nation's capital," Pence said. "And I want to thank them for the swift and bipartisan efforts in moving the spending bill that the president will be signing tomorrow. It passed the Senate this afternoon – I think it represents the very best of Washington D.C., coming together and putting the health and well-being of Americans first." 

By Victoria Albert
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