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Giddy up for an endurance ride of a lifetime! | Cody's Cravan

The Western States Trail Ride, popularly called the Tevis Cup Ride, is the oldest modern-day endurance ride, having been held annually since 1955. As such, it has been the inspiration and model for the most challenging endurance rides worldwide. The ride was first organized by Wendell Robie, an Auburn businessman and devoted rider of the Sierra high country. Many people in the 50s doubted that any modern-day horse could cover the rugged trail from Lake Tahoe to Auburn in a single day. Wendell and a few of his friends proved them wrong in August of 1955. He continued to hold the ride annually thereafter and organized the Western States Trail Foundation to preserve the 100-mile trail and the Ride. Each rider who completes the 100-mile course from Tahoe to Auburn within the 24-hour limit and whose mount is judged “fit to continue” is awarded the coveted silver Completion Award Buckle. The Tevis Cup trophy is awarded to the person who completes the 100-Mile One-Day course in the shortest amount of time and whose horse is in sound condition and “fit to continue.”
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