Face Mask Enforcement Falling On Army Of Retail And Restaurant Associates
ROSEVILLE (CBS13) — The mask militia, or those enforcing the governor's new mandatory mask policy, is now made up of employees working at the front door at your local mall or grocery store.
Videos of angry shoppers making a scene inside retail and restaurants for being required to wear a mask have been shared thousands of times online. Many of those videos show customers angry at the employee or associates manning the front door.
Andy Klein with The Monk's Cellar in Roseville says the restaurant started enforcing the policy last week.
"We've had people leave because of it," Klein said. "It's a little bit frustrating when someone leaves. We're just trying to do the right thing."
Earlier this month, Gov. Gavin Newsom made wearing a mask in public mandatory. Now the responsibility of enforcing the policy is falling in the hands of young staffers at retail shops and servers at restaurants.
It's up to each restaurant owner how to enforce the rules. Monk's Cellar is following state guidelines, which are posted outside the front door. When you're sitting at your table, masks are not required, but as soon as you leave the table it needs to go back on.
"It does make you a little bit uncomfortable, especially for those who don't want that kind of conflict," said Klein.
It can be a thankless job. One you'll see at your local grocery store like Nugget Markets, where young employees stand for hours outside, telling people to put a mask on to shop. At the Roseville Galleria, shoppers will walk around without masks, defying mall policy. But standing by, at most stores, there's an employee asking shoppers to put a mask on inside.
The order, from the California Department of Health, outlines nearly a dozen situations in which a face mask is required. You can learn more here: https://covid19.ca.gov/masks-and-ppe