Got Your Mail-In Ballot? Drop Box Locations Now Open In Sacramento County
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Drop box locations around Sacramento County are now ready to receive your ballot.
Voters can drop your ballot off into any one of 53 secure drop boxes in the county anytime leading up to Election Day.
Sacramento is one of five counties – which includes Nevada, Napa, Madera and San Mateo – in California to implement the Voter's Choice Act.
"That means that not only is it more convenient and easier for people, working people, people who have busy lives to vote, but it also means there's no excuse to not vote," said Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg.
Every registered voter in those counties should have now gotten a mail-in ballot. Voters have the option to drop the mail-in ballots off at the secure drop boxes, or use them at Vote Centers.
The law also requires participating counties to expand in-person voting early by opening Vote Centers that will operate like traditional polling places. Voters can vote in-person at those Vote Centers, drop off a mail-in ballot, get a replacement ballot, vote using a voting machine, get voting materials in multiple languages, register to vote, or update their voter registration.
Starting 10 days before the election and up until the Friday before Election Day, counties are required to open one Vote Center for every 50,000 registered voters.
On Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Election Day (Tuesday,) one Vote Center is required for every 10,000 registered voters.