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This bestselling iRobot Roomba is a whopping 48% off at Amazon right now

iRobot Roomba i4 EVO Wi-Fi Connected Robot Vacuum

Tired of vacuuming every day? Us too! That's why we, here at CBS Essentials, are big fans of robot vacuums. These smart cleaners take the hassle out of vacuuming and sweeping by doing the work for you. You don't even have to be home to turn on the robovac and get your carpets vacuumed.

If you haven't invested in an iRobot Roomba yet, we have good news for you: Amazon is currently offering an absolutely unbeatable deal on the iRobot Roomba i4 EVO robot vacuum.

Robot vacuums are a helpful tool fo managing pet hair and keeping your carpets clean. Right now, this top-rated iRobot Roomba I4 EVO vacuum is on sale now for a whopping 48% off. This is a rare chance to get one of the smart mapping robovacs from iRobot's EVO line for just $210.

iRobot Roomba i4 EVO robot vacuum: $210 (48% off)

irobot roomba i4

The iRobot Roomba i4 EVO uses a smart mapping technology to learn your home. Use your connected phone to direct the Wi-Fi-enabled robot vacuum to clean any room you want. The smart vacuum can even learn your cleaning habits and can suggest extra cleanings during peak pollen and pet-shedding seasons. 

The i4 EVO also boasts a 20% larger battery compared to the  iRobot Roomba i3 EVO.

"The i4+ is extremely quiet as it moves, and the SmartMap feature is really cool," an Amazon customer who purchased the device says. "I am able to direct my Roomba to clean common areas with more frequency than say, my bedroom. The i4+ isn't a bumper car the way that other models were, and the cleaning pattern is very neat." 

What we like about the iRobot Roomba i4 EVO:

  • It offers a long-lasting battery life.
  • The robot vacuum cleans in neat, organized rows so it doesn't miss any spots.
  • It features dual multi-surface rubber brushes designed to pick up pet hair without getting tangled.

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