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Mauled Texas Toddler's Parents Get Probation

FORT WORTH (AP) - The parents of an 18-month-old North Texas toddler mauled by dogs in the back yard of the child's grandparents have gotten four-month jail terms.

Chance and Patricia Walker also got 10 years' probation with deferred adjudication for their guilty pleas to injury to a child. That means the conviction won't go on their record if they satisfy the terms of their probation. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports terms include parenting classes and an alcohol and drug assessment program.

Chance Walker Jr., was 18 months old when he slipped through a pet door into the back yard when he was attacked in January. Affidavits said Patricia Walker tested positive for methamphetamine, and Chance Sr. declined to take a drug test.

The four dogs involved in the attack have been euthanized.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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