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Keller Woman Accused Of Killing Husband Released From Jail

NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) - A Keller woman accused of murdering her husband in an elaborate plot that included claims of an intruder attack and then suicide, is now a free woman.

Michele Williams, 42, was released from custody Tuesday afternoon.

CBS 11 News captured the exclusive images of her release. It's the first time Williams has been seen -- other than in a mug shot.

Williams actually posted bail on Friday after a judge lowered her $522,000 bond to $85,000. The move outraged the victim's family.

The lower bond amount came with certain conditions, including a requirement that Williams be fitted with an electronic monitoring device.

Because of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Tuesday was the first day Williams could meet all of the release requirements.

First, Williams was taken from the Tarrant County Jail and turned over to the community supervision and corrections division. She was fitted with that GPS monitor and was released in the afternoon.

In October, Williams called police to her upscale Keller home claiming an intruder had shot her husband. Four hours later, police said she admitted to prying at the doors and even hitting herself in the face with a wrench all in an attempt to stage a robbery and cover up what she claimed was her husband's suicide.

Later the medical examiner determined that whoever shot Williams was standing a foot and a half from his head. Gregory Williams death was ruled a homicide.

While the public got their first glimpse of Williams since her arrest last week, we're not likely to be hearing from her. A gag order has been issued in the case.

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