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Humane Society Of North Texas Saves 32 Donkeys From Slaughter

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FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) - After the plight of dozens of donkeys went viral, an animal lover steps in, secures homes for half the group and gets help from the Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) to care for the remaining animals.

More than 60 donkeys were transferred to a Mexican border town when they weren't purchased by feedlot in North Texas. The animals, awaiting the arrival of Mexican slaughterhouse trucks, lived in squalor for nearly two weeks.

In all, 32 donkeys needing homes and medical care, were transported back to North Texas where workers with HSNT picked them up in Fort Worth. When the animals were examined it was discovered that several were emaciated and 17 were pregnant. All of the donkeys suffered from severe upper respiratory infections, pneumonia, and were in need of hoof care.

HSNT veterinarian Dr. Cynthia Jones is currently treating the animals. She said, "The appalling conditions these donkeys were exposed to during transport to south Texas and while awaiting slaughter led to these life-threatening illnesses."

Officials with HSNT say it will cost $20,000 to house and care for the donkeys, until they are well enough to enter the adoption program.

On Saturday, April 25, HSNT will celebrate Help a Horse Day in conjunction with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) to educate the community about equine programs and raise funds to purchase supplies for rescued equine, including the group of donkeys and their impending offspring.

Donations are being accepted at 1840 East Lancaster Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76103, and also on the Humane Society of North Texas website. Donations will also be accepted at the Help a Horse Day event.

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