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Congressman Weiner Scandal Has A Texas Connection

DALLAS (1080 KRLD) - A woman from Texas has come forward to say that Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-New York) has in fact been sending text messages and pictures of himself to women. She knows this, she says,  because he has been sending some to her.

Saying that "I have made terrible mistakes and have hurt the people I care about the most," Representative Weiner has admitted to lying about a risqué photo he sent to a young woman.   During a press conference, Weiner said he had been having  "inappropriate conversations" online and on the phone with "six women over the last three years."

Twenty-six-year-old 26-year-old Meagan Broussard from Beaumont says she "met" Representative Weiner online.  She commented on the Congressman from New York's Facebook page about a video of him fighting for medical coverage for the 9-11 responders.

In a piece she posted on, the U-S Army veteran writes,  "From there, he introduced himself to me over Facebook Chat. Within an hour, we were sending messages back and forth. It became an everyday correspondence."


Broussard says she is not coming forward for political reasons.  She says that she wanted to get out ahead of any photos or texts that may now be released. "All of this still makes me really nervous. I live in a small town. I don't want this and all the anxiety that comes with it. I was worried that all of my personal messages and photos were going to come out, and so I came forward. I just hope to be left in peace."

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