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A small peek at Lake Dallas' tiny home village

Tiny home community in Lake Dallas becomes a 'hot commodity'
Tiny home community in Lake Dallas becomes a 'hot commodity' 01:43

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The price of gas, groceries and rent are all going up with inflation levels at the highest they've been in decades. 

Some people are looking at cutting costs and downsizing their lifestyles. 

Nestled in Lake Dallas is a tiny home village of 13 houses of all different shapes and sizes. 

"People do like the idea of tiny home living and they like tiny home living inside a city limits where they can have all the amenities," said real estate developer, Terry Lantrip. 

What started as an idea for Lantrip became a hot commodity, especially right now. 

"I don't answer my phone anymore, because there's too many people calling. Everyday I would get a call from somebody really wanting to do this," added Lantrip. 

His wait list sometimes can exceed over 100 applicants to live small as the cost to buy a regular house grows. 

"People need a place to live and now starter homes are $200-$250,000 and there are a lot of people that cannot afford that," said Lantrip. 

However not every city allows these kind of tiny house villages inside their city limits. 

"Cities are still not on board with having tiny home villages, I was hoping that they were see this and say hey, there's nothing to be sacred of it turned out to be a very nice community," added Lantrip. 

He hopes these kind villages will be able to pop up in more areas for those who want the pride of home ownership. 

"This housing crunch is really bad and it's not going to get any better with affordability," said Lantrip. 

To find some resources if you are interested in buying a tiny home, click here.

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