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WSU Distributes Toiletry Kits To Homeless

DETROIT (WWJ) - Wayne State University is reaching out to the homeless this week by distributing 1,000 "Do bags" filled with toiletry items for those in need.

The event is sponsored by Wayne Cares and the W-organization. Stephanie Fries, Associate Director of Community Affairs at Wayne State, told WWJ they will give a portion of their donations to Covenant House and the Do Foundation.

"Wayne Cares and the W-organization here at Wayne State really wanted to make a difference and wanted to touch lives individually. Covenant House Michigan and the Do Foundation do just that, they reach out to individuals," Fries said.

Wayne State students had some help with their project from a popular hotel chain.

"We've had the wonderful opportunity to partner with Marriot Hotels. They've donated nearly 6,000 items to this effort and it's just been tremendous," Fries said.

The "Do bags" will be given out Saturday between 9:00 and noon, to the homeless in Cass Park.

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