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What's Trending: Metallic Temporary Tattoos

Getting a tattoo is a very delicate process. It takes thought, determination and bravery. In some cases, it can take years to choose artwork that means something. Picking the placement can be just as tricky as picking the tattoo. And let's face it, getting tatted up takes balls! There's gotta be another way!

Luckily, the trendy women that make up some of the world's most intelligent people went straight to work to find a way to make the temporary tatt cool again; and they succeeded! Metallic tattoos, also known as Flash Tattoos, are taking over our bare skin. They're pretty, simple and TEMPORARY! Most cost between $20-$25 a sheet and last 4 to 6 days.

I, for one, love these things. I'm not big on jewelry because I find it cumbersome, so this seems like the perfect substitute. Below, I provided pictures of Beyoncé and fashion blogger Carli Bybel rocking their Flash tatts and where you can buy the look yourself. Check it out↓↓

How to Wear

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Where to Buy

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What do you think of this temporary trend?

Vanessa Rao | CW44 Tampa Bay

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