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WGPR-TV 62: Where God's Presence Radiates!

By Kenneth Bryant, Jr.

I can easily recall the day, September 29, 1975 when WGPR-TV 62 went on the air live for the first time. I was sitting in the director's chair directing that very first live broadcast. To this day I am still amazed and overwhelmed by the incredible opportunity I was given by owner, Dr. William Banks, and Program Director, George White.

I was a first year graduate student at the University of Michigan majoring in broadcast television when I was told the station was hiring. Having some studio camera-operator experience from working at the U of M Television Center, I applied for that position and got it. For several weeks I practiced and perfected my studio camera skills. When the time for the station to go on the air was just days away, they were still searching for someone to direct their live newscast.

I frantically, but boldly took advantage of the opportunity and told them I could direct the live broadcast although I didn't have any professional experience directing anything. Never-the-less, I was confident I could do it, so I asked one of my professors, Dr. Gill Maddox, if he knew of someone I could watch direct a live newscast. Fortunately, he did and arranged for me to observe Joe Spencer direct a live newscast at channel 4. After analyzing Joe's directing technique, I was well convinced that I too could do what I observed him doing. I was given the rare opportunity and privilege of directing WGPR-TV Channel 62's very first live news broadcast with Amyre Makupson and  Pal D'Que. I couldn't believe it myself, but I did it. That was an opportunity I never would have received anywhere else.

There are many people WGPR-TV gave rare opportunities to that would never have received them in this highly rated television market, or anywhere else. Crew members with little or no production experience hired and trained. On air talent with very little or no on-air experience hired and trained. Many of us still jokingly confess to this day that we were a bunch of behind the scenes workers, that WGPR-TV showcased and gave unprecedented opportunities to that helped us shine and excel in the broadcast industry.

It was the experience I received at WGPR-TV that prepared me for the work I continue to do today at CW50 and CBS 62, 39 years later. It all started 40 years ago at WGPR-TV 62. I was truly blessed by the opportunity I was given and look forward to helping others fulfill their dreams too. It was a once in a lifetime rare opportunity. A wonderful, innovative, trailblazing, pioneering TV station that broke the rules and made a "some-body" out of a "no-body". I am eternally grateful.

Happy 40th anniversary, WGPR-TV! The work the WGPR-TV 62 Historical Society is doing to preserve the station's history is well deserved and very much needed. You will always be remembered!

In 1995, WGPR-TV was sold to CBS and the station is now known as WWJ-TV CBS 62.


Kenneth Bryant, Jr. is an Emmy Award winning Producer/Director for CBS 62 and CW50. From Bill Kennedy At The Movies, Piston Yearbook "Badboys" specials to directing Michigan Matters, he has produced many shows during his 39 year tenure with the company. Ken has been married to his childhood sweetheart for 42 years. They have three wonderful children. Ken is also the pastor of Ford Memorial United Methodist Church in Detroit where he has faithfully served for 15 years.

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