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Warren residents dealing with flooded yards claim drain isn't working

Warren residents say their yards are flooding because a city drain isn't working
Warren residents say their yards are flooding because a city drain isn't working 01:59

(CBS DETROIT) - Some Warren homeowners are dealing with a flooded mess in their yards due to heavy rainfall and, in a certain spot, a drain that isn't doing much draining.

Warren resident Caitlyn Calcaterra was forced to pump pooling water down her driveway and into the road drains after heavy rainwaters filled her and several other Macomb County backyards over the holiday weekend.

"At first, it was maybe a couple of puddles here or there that would dry overnight. Now, I have to rent equipment from the local hardware store just to get any sort of water out within a day or two," Calcaterra said. 

Calcaterra says the flooding in her backyard has worsened over the years.

CBS News Detroit got a first-hand look during a downpour at a drain in the back corner of Calcaterra's yard.

As seen in the video above, it's not really doing its job. Flooded, within minutes of heavy rain, at a meeting point of three properties.

"I rush anytime that I can have some sort of sunlight, some free time. I get everything I can done because now, I won't be able to do anything for at least another week. I work so much that I have the weekends, and I try to jam-pack it all, and it's just really stressful trying to balance everything out now," Calcaterra says.

She tells us the drain is a city drain. CBS News Detroit reached out to the city of Warren and at this time, we have not heard back.

The Macomb County Public Works office responded to our inquiry and said there was no indication that the drain in question was under county jurisdiction.

Calcaterra says she has never been one to attend city council meetings but has found a new incentive for this growing inconvenience that is burdening her and other residents in the area.

"Seeing that there is more awareness, more people dealing with this issue. I would for sure love to rally up a bunch of people and say, hey, this is what we're dealing with on a daily basis, and we can't handle it anymore," Calcaterra says.

On Wednesday night, the City of Warren responded to CBS News Detroit's inquiry with the following statement"

"The City of Warren's Department of Public Works (DPW) and Water Department teams have promptly addressed the reported issue by clearing the storm line, which is now functioning correctly. A follow-up visit is scheduled for tomorrow."

Calcaterra says as of Thursday, May 30, members of the city's water division have visited the drain in question to get to the bottom of the issue. Calcaterra says the superintendent of the water division has kept her in the loop on what those next steps may look like.    

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