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Wanna Get Lucky?


I really do need to learn my lesson. Every week I play several lottery games. Mega Millions, Classic Lotto 47 and as of one month ago, Powerball. I spend ten dollars on each twice a week. That's $60 a week, $3120 a year. And how much do I have to show for my efforts? Nothing, zip, zilch, nada, the big empty set! Yet every morning after a drawing, I wake up, go to the computer and type in and check the lottery numbers from the night before. The weird part is, and I know I'm not alone in this, I'm actually shocked that I didn't win it all! My mood is definitely subdued after realizing I didn't win anything. When you add it all up it makes you think, "What in the hell did I think was going to happen"? I've been playing some form of the lottery ever since 1984, sometimes only $10 per week. That means I've spent around $13,520 (that's the low estimate)  and the most I've ever won was $150 once and $5 here and there. I mean, c'mon the odds of winning Mega Millions are 1 in 176 million! So why do I and thousands of other Michiganders insist on buying lottery tickets every week? Knowing full well, we're never really going to win anything and if we do, we've definitely spent more than we've won! Why? Well, someone has to win don't they?

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