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US Government Considers Oil Permit For 98-Year-Old Pipeline

MARYSVILLE, Mich. (AP) - The federal government is considering a permit to allow the flow of heavy crude oil through a 98-year-old pipeline under the St. Clair River in southeastern Michigan.

The Detroit Free Press says a 30-day public comment period expired last Wednesday with virtually no comments received by the U.S. State Department.

The newspaper says two 8-inch pipes were built in 1918.

Members of the Sierra Club were unaware of the project and are asking the government to extend the comment period. Ed McArdle says the proposal is "mind-blowing." He fears a drinking water catastrophe in the region if the pipeline fails.

The State Department has jurisdiction because the pipeline goes from Marysville to Canada. The pipeline is controlled by Plains LPG, based in Houston.


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