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Trump Asks For Your Input With '' Website

DETROIT (CBS Detroit) -- President-elect Donald Trump wasted no time getting to work in our nation's capital following Tuesday's surprising election results.

Trump proposed many ideas during his campaign -- some were cheered for and some were met with strong contention. Now, he wants to hear from you.

Trump's first official act this week was starting a .gov website based on his campaign slogan -- Make America Great Again -- and aims to get the public's input --

Want to build a wall on the Mexican border? Think that's a terrible idea? Let Trump know by filling out a form on the site.


After submitting an idea, the site responds with the message, "Thank you for taking the time to share your idea. We are a government of, for, and by the people, and it is your voice and the voices of millions of Americans that will help make our country great again."

No one knows if Trump himself will ever read these submissions, but it's interesting enough considering how sure of his ideas he was during his campaign.

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