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Top 5 Justin Verlander Instagram Photos

By: Evan Jankens

Over the next couple of weeks I will be running down the top Instagram/Twitter photos from our favorite Detroit athletes. Instagram is the place where they reveal glimpses of their real lives. Today my top five list stars Detroit Tigers ace Justin Verlander.

5. Hanging out with Kate Upton is a plus but being able to sign the Green Monster with her has to be a top 5 moment for him.

4. Being a major league baseball player really should be good enough for most but being able to poke fun at yourself after trying to show off your soccer skills on the baseball field is priceless.

3. It's not everyday that you get to be on the playing field with your brother, let alone at the professional level. I like the fact Justin is in his uniform and poor Ben has a nameplate on his jersey that could easily be replaced by another player.

2. Dressed to impress with Miguel Cabrera. Enough said.

1. Taking photos with the kids. This is something those kids will never forget. Well done, Justin.

Which photo is your favorite?

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