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Tips For Teen Job Seekers

TROY (WWJ) - If your teen is heading to the mall hoping to find a summer job, be warned: they'll probably come home empty-handed. It's harder than ever this summer for kids to land a mall job and one local store manager says that's because teens aren't treating these positions as careers.

Valerie Kirtland, Bath & Body Works Manager at Troy's Sommerset Collection, said most first time job seekers she's seeing aren't dressing to impress.

"They do need to come in looking professional, not in pajama bottoms, not in destructed jeans or tank tops, but their hair done, makeup on," she said.

Kirtland said groups of teens are hitting the mall to go job hunting together, traveling in packs and essentially blending into the crowd. Her suggestion for standing out? Carry a brief case or portfolio.

"Come in and don't have a pile of applications in your hand. If you are out job hunting and you are picking up applications, bring a folder with you. Keep them in the folder with your resume, and when you apply, grab the application and put it in your folder," she said.

Kirtland is partnering with area high schools to teach teens the job seekers tricks of the trade. One of her top suggestions for job seekers to make sure they apply for jobs that they have an interest for.

"Make sure that when you're going out to apply, no matter how badly you need a job, find one that you are passionate about," Kirtland said.

So, while hitting the mall might not be a bad idea if you're looking for a job, just make sure you keep a few things in mind. Remember to make eye contact, dress and act professional, stand out from the crowd, take the application process serious and look for employment in a field you have interest in.

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