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Three Degrees Of Pat Caputo

Three Things I found disingenuous about the process of Tom Izzo shunning the Cleveland Cavaliers to remain at Michigan State:

1. Michigan State president Lou Anna K. Simon blaming the media. The media acted in the only matter it could while reporting on a story of this magnitude. It dug around. She came across as incredibly ignorant for someone in such a prominent role in the academic world.

2. Media complaints there wasn't as much cooperation from MSU as there should have been during the nine days Izzo made his decision. It was perfectly fine for Izzo and administrators to be mum in this circumstance. I didn't like this at all from the standpoint of Izzo holding this state emotionally hostage, and criticized him harshly for it, but he is amazingly helpful and forthright with the media as a general rule.

3. The notion Izzo wouldn't have taken the Cavaliers job if he knew LeBron James was staying for certain. I can't help but believe he would have. And that perception, for a lot of people, isn't going to go away anytime soon.

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