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The Reunion Project - Ticket To Ride (2/11)

By Scott Ryan

The ticket window is open for our reunion. This project has been an exercise in discipline, persistence, and omnipresence. Once we booked the venue in December, I guess I gave up actively looking for people. Now, we're trying to round everyone up again. Over 100 people have said they're going to the reunion, but only a fraction of them have purchased tickets.

As much as I thought people wanted to go the traditional route with an invitation in the mail, I was mistaken. We're selling tickets via PayPal, which makes things easy to track, especially since the people coordinating this live hundreds of miles apart.

Our 'early bird' deadline for tickets ends Friday, and we're excited and nervous at the same time. Early bird sales have surpassed those for the 20th reunion--but this is a bigger venue. We're expecting more people, which means more expenses.

I've got a hunch that a lot of people are waiting until the last day to purchase tickets and still get the early bird discount. So if you notice the Internet running slowly on Friday, that could be a combination of people buying tickets...and those of us on this end checking for sales.

Not really, but that'd be nice.

*About this blog: Scott is a 1988 graduate of Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach, Va. and is blogging about his experience ahead of his 25th high school reunion in 2013. You can contact Scott at 248-945-9950 or via email at Please put "The Reunion Project" in the subject line.
You can also check out the website here.

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