The CW50 Street Team Rock Out At The 2013 Metro Times Blowout
The Magic Stick in Detroit was the location for the kickoff of the 16th Annual Metro Times Blowout and The CW50 Street Team was there to capture the festivities. 25 Bands from all over the metro area showed up to the event to showcase their musical skill. The Magic Stick provided two floors, one stage on the main floor and two stages on the top floor, and bands played 20 minute sets each.
Fans of these local bands flocked to each stage to get a glimpse of what the remainder of the festival would bring. Musical styles ranged from pop all the way to rap. It was refreshing to see the city of Detroit alive with such high optimism toward music. The Street Team even caught up with Steve from the band The Walking Beat after his set and he stated that the Blowout has "lots of positive energy... There's a lot of cooperation and a lot of comradery; it's a great place to play music."
Music flowed throughout downtown Detroit all night and into the next morning, but the fans kept listening. As the feeling of Spring permeated the concert venue and the people came together to listen to the music, Metro Times publisher Chris Sexson described the atmosphere as "a music community happening. Blowout is the kickoff to Spring and music."
The final stretch of the Blowout continues in Ferndale from May 2nd to May 4th.