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'Terrible Act': Suspect Wanted In Beating, Robbery Of Disabled Man At Coney Island [PHOTO]

DETROIT (WWJ) - Family members are hoping someone in the public can identify a man wanted in the brutal assault and robbery of a young, mentally disabled man in Detroit.

Crime Stoppers is now offering a $1,000 reward for the tip that leads to an arrest in connection with the crime, committed the night of Saturday, March 3, on the city's east side.

According to police, the 22-year-old victim was leaving Lou's Coney Island — at the corner of Mound and 7 Mile Road — at around 8 p.m., when the suspect stopped him just outside the door.

The suspect took the young man's headphones off of his head and acted like he was listening to them, then walking back into the restaurant. The victim followed him inside to retrieve his headphones and was assaulted by the suspect, police said, who punched him in the face and head several times.

At the request of the family, police and Crime Stoppers are not disclosing the victim's name.

Family members say he enjoys basketball and video games, but most of all loved listening to music on headphones as it calms him.  "This terrible act is the reason why we want your help to hold this suspect accountable for his actions," Crime Stoppers said, in a media release, adding:

The suspect, who was caught on security camera, was last seen fleeing the scene on foot, headed westbound on 7 Mile Rd.

Anyone who recognizes him is urged to do the right thing and come forward. As always, tipsters may stay 100 percent anonymous, will not be asked their name, to speak to police or to testify in court.

In this particular case, Crime Stoppers want to stress the following:

"People say they don't want to get involved because they don't want to talk to police. If there was ever a time to put Crime Stoppers anonymous tip line to the test, this is the time. When we say your identity is a secret – it's a secret.  No detective will knock on your door, no prosecutor will demand your presence in court and the Crime Stoppers staff will never know your name. Help restore the confidence this mentally challenged young man has in the City of Detroit."

The number to call is 1-800-SPEAK-UP. Tips may also be submitted online at this link, or by texting CSM and the tip to CRIMES (2746370). Cash rewards are paid by Crime Stoppers upon an arrest in a case.

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