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Survivor: Ghost Island - Episode Two Recap - Drop Your Buffs!

By Mickie McLeod


The game has changed, once again! Just when the tribes are getting comfortable and united: "Drop your buffs!"

The tribes swapped this week and shook things up a bit. Will the new Malolo and Naviti tribes get along? Here's what you missed on this week's episode of Survivor: Ghost Island:


At the Malolo camp, the new castaways from Naviti are not impressed with the setup. They spend their time complaining rather than strategizing, where someone even compared their new home to an "ugly baby." No one was impressed with the dirty beach.

It seems that there's a dynamic on the new tribe, a tense one. The new tribe has split: old Naviti members vs. Malolo. Because of them outnumbered, the original Malolo members go on a "mad dash" for a Hidden Immunity Idol. Searching high and low all over the jungle, climbing up hills, and covered in termites and ants, these castaways were not going to give up on finding it.

The original Malolo castaways need to find an idol to stay ahead of their new tribe members. It was finally Michael, the young 18-year-old who saw it first with Brendan. Since this is Survivor: Ghost Island, you better believe it was not just any ordinary idol, however. This idol was legendary. I was an eighth grader when I first saw this idol come into play, back in season 15, Survivor China. This idol-icon was found first from James. He was the only player in Survivor history to get voted out of the game with two idols in his pocket. Can Michael reverse this legendary idol curse?


At the new Naviti, Chris, the male model, is running the show. He's already strategizing with his new tribe members and refuses to stay strong with his former tribe. You can tell that the entire tribe notices his big personality and aren't the biggest fans. Chris is so avid about voting off Dom since they've met. He does not trust him at all.

The tribe noticed that Chris needed to dial down his aggressiveness towards Dom. Some of the new members questioned Dom why he was so hated, so he admitted to them about the "fake idol" he showed to Chris in the first place and showed his new tribe the idol. We all know Dom has a real one, and James was the only one to be remotely suspicious about him.

Immunity Challenge

Survivor is intense and entirely physically challenging! In this Immunity Challenge, the two new tribes showed their physical abilities together through the challenge. As a group effort, the first tribe that made it through the intense series of obstacles won Immunity and was safe from Tribal Council.

Hopping, skipping, digging through sand -- the tribes did not give up on this exhausting challenge. After pulling themselves up with rope, it was down to the wire to complete the last puzzle obstacle. At this point, it was a blow out by far. Malolo won this challenge, sending Naviti to Tribal Council.

Before celebrating their victory, the Malolo tribe had to decide who would go to Ghost Island from Naviti. Since the tribe switched this week, so it wasn't a clear decision. In result, the Naviti tribe had to pull rocks, and it was Chris who pulled the odd rock and went to Ghost Island for the night.

At Ghost Island, as tradition, Chris hit an urn but did not receive a game to play, just like Donathan last week. Instead, Chris sat on the island alone with his thoughts and cried out his negative energy. After seeing Chris aggressive with his new tribe members, this was a time to show more of who he is as a person. While crying, he even explained how he is always working hard for his actual "survivor," his mom, who has survived from MS.


Tribal Council

The tribe was quite disappointed that Chris went to Ghost Island because he's a "loose cannon." They were sure that he was going to be voted out, but now it was just four against four on the tribe; or was it?

It was unsure where the votes would lay at Tribal Council. Angela, who's in an alliance with Chris, suggested voting for someone opposite of the tribe, such as Morgan. However, some of the castaways were thinking about voting off Angela. It was a very close one, but Morgan was officially voted out on Survivor: Ghost Island.

Morgan was the bubbly, sweet girl who received the "Legacy Advantage" the first day courtesy of Jacob. She now willed' the advantage to Dom. Smart Move? Will this "Legacy Advantage" now be cursed?

Don't miss next week's episode of Survivor: Ghost Island, Wednesday at 8pm on CBS 62! Tweet me your predictions and let's talk Survivor @mick_cloudy!


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