Summer Road Construction Moving Along On Track
DETROIT (WWJ) - So how are this summer's road projects coming along? Pretty good - that's according to Michigan Department of Transportation Spokesman Rob Morosi, who says road reconstruction is somewhat like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
"Certain things have to be done before anything else can begin. For instance, you have to put in all the underground utilities before you can begin paving the road, so a lot of the utility work fell behind a little bit because of the rainy spring ... but we have had a nice stretch of weather here recently and the crews have been able to make up some time," said Morosi.
The I-94 project near Port Huron was delayed because of spring rains, but Morosi believes they will be able to make up that lost time. The other major project, the rebuild of the Southfield freeway, is on schedule to open up at the end of October.
Morosi says that once we see Fall and some of these projects are completed, motorists will appreciate the newly surfaced roads and hopefully the memory of the inconvenience will fade.