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Street Beat: Supporting Our Veterans

This week on Street Beat, host Amyre Makupson learns about organizations that support our nation's veterans.

First, Colonel Ken Huxley who is the Vice President of Talent Acquisition from Strategic Staffing Solutions, explains how his company supports vets and their spouses by placing them in new career fields after their years of service.

Then, Willborn Sargent, a trustee with the Southeastern Michigan Stand Down Inc. discusses the upcoming Stand Down and how it helps homeless vets.

Next, Stephanie Osterland, the Director of Partner & Community Programs for Habitat for Humanity Oakland County, and Monica Munir, a Veteran and Habitat homeowner, talk about Habitat's program and how it helps vets with their housing needs.

Finally, Steve Saelzler, the Chapter coordinator for the Michael Gramlich South East Michigan Chapter 74 of Veterans for Peace, talks about his group that promotes non-violent ways to solve problems.

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