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Street Beat: Summer Activities And Ann Arbor Art Fair

This week on Street Beat, host April Moss finds out about exciting summer activities happening in July and August.

First, Metro Detroit Youth Day founder and chairman Ed Deeb shares how this group has been channeling children's energies in a positive and constructive setting for 35 years.

Then, Pitch for Detroit is an annual day-long charity kickball tournament for young adults that connects people dedicated to improving metro Detroit community. Ezekiel Harris, Executive Director of MACC Development and Alyssa Gorenberg, NEXTGen Detroit Associate, explain the details.

Then Michele Marine, Director of Programs at the Detroit RiverFront Conservancy, discusses the Live the RiverFront program as well as other summer activities in the city.

Finally, Teri John, the Detroit Institute of Arts Director of Education Programs, and Michael Hill, their Public Programs Coordinator, explain what is happening at the DIA this summer.

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