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State Senator Hopes To Block School Aid Cuts

LANSING (WWJ) - The leader of the Democratic minority in the Michigan Senate says she is pursuing a constitutional amendment to keep Governor Rick Snyder from dipping into the state's School Aid Fund to help pay for his proposed business tax credit.

State Senator Gretchen Whitmer of East Lansing said the Fund should remain earmarked strictly for K-through-12 school funding support, and not as a supplement to the Governor's proposed $2 billion business tax cut.

"We generally spend about $13 billion on our schools annually. And for the governor to come in and try to take this money that's been dedicated for schools and force enormous cuts on our kids is just a bad idea when you're trying to move the state of Michigan forward," Whitmer said.

Governor Snyder has proposed taking $900-Million out of the fund in next year's budget. The Michigan Senate is expected to vote on the matter on Wednesday.

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